WHMCS Advanced Menu Manager

Manage WHMCS menus from admin area.

Created: 09 September, 2015
Last Update: 06 April, 2021
Current Version: 1.7.0

Getting Started

Thank you for purchasing WHMCS Advanced Menu Manager. If you have any questions that are beyond the scope of this help file, please feel free to email via my profile page contact form here. Thanks so much!

In this documentation you will learn how to:

  1. Create your first menu group from WHMCS admin area.
  2. Integrate this group to WHMCS client area template(s).
  3. Add links to this group from admin area.
  4. Use the advanced features this module offer to you.

Watch Getting Started Video


It was hard before to manage WHMCS menu, for example if you want to add new menu item, change it's place or make it hidden or shown in certain condition, or even to translate the title.

Earlier it required you to know at least the basics of HTML and CSS, or to deal with PHP sometimes.

Now you can do all of this and even more using this module that enables you to do numerous actions like adding unlimited menus and sub-menu items, identifying when and to whom each item will be displayed, add translations to several languages from the same place, changing the order of menu items using Drag-Drop technique, and many more, all of this can be done easily only with few clicks.

Key Features:
  1. Add Unlimited Menus and Submenu items
  2. Compatible with WHMCS Template Six and Five
  3. Compatible with Custom Templates
  4. Change menu items ordering with Drag-n-Drop
  5. Add translation to each item easily
  6. Add additional attributes to each menu item
  7. Add core system URL from categorized lists, or external URL
  8. Add icon to each menu item
  9. Automatically display badge number (ex. Total Active Services, Open Tickets, Due Invoices, etc).
  10. Choose when to display specific menu item (Visitors, Clients only, or Clients with active products, etc)
  11. Open URL in the same window or in new window
  12. Install WHMCS default menu items with one click


WHMCS Advanced Menu Manager is like any other WHMCS addon module, to install it please follow this simple steps:

  1. After Purchasing download the item package from Downloads section.
  2. Extract package file in your PC hard drive, upload the content of "/Upload_To_Root_Of_WHMCS/" folder to the root of WHMCS installation.
  3. Go to Admin Area -> Setup -> Addon Modules, then activate "Advanced Menu Manager".
  4. Now click the "Configure" button to choose who can access/manage this module, then click "Save Changes".
  5. Done.

Visibility Options

This feature allows you to show or hide menu links in certain conditions, Examples of use:

  1. Display menu link to visitors only, so after logging in this link will go away.
  2. Display menu link to clients only, so only when client is logged in this menu item will be visible.
  3. Display menu link if Affiliate system enabled.
  4. Display menu link if Domain registeration/transfer setting enabled.
  5. Display menu link if client is registered as affiliate. NEW
  6. and more..

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Through a single interface you can translate the text of the link to any or all of the languages available in your WHMCS installation.

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Display account stats inside menu links, The available options is:

  • Total Products/Services
  • Active Products/Services
  • Total Domains
  • Active Domains
  • Due Invoices
  • Overdue Invoices
  • Active Tickets
  • Credit Balance
  • Shopping Cart Items NEW

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Display descriptive icons inside menu links.

By default WHMCS support Font Awesome Icons, You can place Font Awesome icons using the CSS Prefix fa and the icon's name for example fa fa-life-ring this will be the outcome

These is the icons available for use from Font Awesome.

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Additional Attributes

This feature allow you to add any number of additional attributes to your links, so you can handle it through Javascript, or apply special styling with CSS, etc.

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Template Variables

Use template variables to display real content from the system and/or Database like logged-in client name, etc.

We have added support for 2 variables until now, and more might be added in future releases, supported variables is:

Variable Description
{$clientfirstname} Print logged-in client first name
{$clientlastname} Print logged-in client last name

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Version 1.7.0 - 06 April, 2021
  1. Added compatibility for WHMCS v8.1

Version - 12 November, 2019
  1. Fixed Client groups doesn't show up when adding new menu item.

Version - 19 September, 2019
  1. Added compatibility for WHMCS v7.8.

Version - 20 July, 2019
  1. Added compatibility for WHMCS Control theme.

Version 1.6.4 - 27 November, 2018
  1. Fixed an issue when WHMCS installed inside subdirectory and the link is a Javascript function

Version 1.6.3 - 05 January, 2018
  1. Minor improvements

Version 1.6.2 - 27 December, 2017
  1. Minor improvements

Version 1.6.1 - 26 November, 2017
  1. Fix: Database error when deactivate and activate the module again

Version 1.6.0 - 24 November, 2017
  1. Improvement: WHMCS Primary/Secondary navbars will be created with translations instead of system default language only.

Version 1.5.0 - 12 September, 2017
  1. New: Implement "Store" menu item
  2. Ensure WHMCS v7.2.3 compatibility
  3. Minor improvements
  4. Documentation Updated

Version 1.3.1 - 24 April, 2017
  1. Fix: error when adding new menu item in some installations

Version 1.3.0 - 30 March, 2017
  1. New: Menu items/links can be displayed to selected client groups only

Version 1.2.0 - 10 February, 2017
  1. New: added new option in menu group settings to integrate with WHMCS default Primary and Secondary navbars
  2. New: added new option in menu group settings to specify CSS class for active menu item/URL
  3. New: menu item/URL will be marked as active
  4. Minor improvements

Version 1.1.0 - 10 March, 2016
  1. Fix: Typo in one of the URLs when you install default menu items
  2. New: Ability to display menu URL(s) only when client is registered as affiliate
  3. New: Added "Security Settings" URL
  4. New: Added "View Cart" URL

Version 1.0.0 - 09 Sep, 2015
  1. Initial Release

Contact Information

Once again, thank you so much for purchasing this module. As I said at the beginning, I'd be glad to help you if you have any questions relating to this module.